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Teacher Resources

The following contains various resources teachers may adopt and adjust according to their own curriculum.

  1. The Debate Grading Rubric can be used for scoring individual students or groups during a classroom debate.
  2. The Audio Recording Assignment Grading Criteria is designed for oral assignments for each video clip, for which students are asked to summarize and give analyses to the content in the video.
  3. The Midterm and Final presentation grading rubrics can be used for students’ presentations on various subjects and topics, and they will be assessed on different aspects as specified in the files.
  4. The Vocab Quiz Bank Sample is a sample format for preview assignments on the vocabulary and sentences of each lesson. There are also more listening exercises which you may find useful in your individual case.
  5. For the corresponding audio files associated with each quiz, and the listening exercises for the rest of the lessons, teachers may request them by contacting us.